Catalyst online: Dr. Atance discusses bringing the science of child development to families with Madison Hadfield for Carleton University School of Journalism and Communication
January 29th 2018 - The Fulcrum: Dr. Atance and Dr. Fennelldiscuss the collaboration between the uOttawa Living Lab and the Canada Science and Technology Museum as well as different opportunities for students
December 6th 2017 – CBC News: Dr. Zamuner was interviewed to discuss how the Living Lab will help to create and share knowledge with families visiting the museum
October 2016 - Government of Canada: Technology news for museums. A discussion of the partnership between the Canada Science and Technology Museum and the University of Ottawa and the potential for University-Museum partnerships to enable innovative research in child development
April 7th 2016 – Radio Canada Toronto – L’heure de pointe: Dr Fennell was interviewed to talk about the research being conducted at the Living Lab (interview in French only)